Advancing Canada’s Low-Carbon Hydrogen Workforce
Thursday, August 18, 2022
Moderator: Malcolm Bruce, Edmonton Global
Presenter: Pat Hufnagel-Smith, Creative Links International
Canada’s hydrogen industry already employs a workforce that knows how to produce, handle and use hydrogen safely at industrial scale. Developing a low-carbon hydrogen economy will drive additional quality employment opportunities. It will also contribute to sustaining employment for workers involved in high-emitting industries by offering these sectors a pathway to sustainability and achieving net zero through decarbonization.
However, a well-functioning hydrogen workforce won’t happen automatically. If workforce transition, development, attraction and retention is not managed well during the acceleration of the hydrogen economy, competition for talent can escalate wages and overall labour costs.
Moderated by Edmonton Global CEO Malcolm Bruce and featuring a presentation from Pat Hufnagel-Smith, this webinar offers insights into the workforce required to advance Canada’s hydrogen economy and the opportunities to leverage skilled and available labour and the degree to which an additional workforce must be developed. It also introduces the Hydrogen Workforce Assessment Tool that presents a detailed assessment of the occupations required for each value chain involved in the low-carbon hydrogen economy. A Q&A session follows.